Mahendrachandra Bunglow


Mahendrachandra Bunglow
Address:885/5 Bandarkar road,Lane no 6 ,Deccan Gymkhana,Pune 411004

Year & Date: 1957 to 1959


The Gadekar family (Ramchandra,Gunatai,Nalini and Digambar) shifted from earlier residence (“Mon Desir”, 24-B,Bombay Poona Road) to this place in 1957. Whenever Baba visited Poona and stayed in Guruprasad, He would visit this house along with the mandali whenever He wished. There are many cricket grounds nearby this house. Whenever Baba wanted to watch good cricket match, He would come to the house and pick up Digambar to take Him to a good cricket match. In 1958, Ramchandra Gadekar suffered from cancer of lymph glands (Hodgkin’s disease) and fell seriously ill. When he was bed ridden and was repeating Baba’s name continuously as per Baba’s orders, Baba visited this house on 7th March 1959, which was the MahaShivratri day. Baba told Gadekar, ‘Today is Maha Shivaratri and Lord Shiva is standing before you. Take His darshan’. Baba and Ramchandra Gadekar were together in the room for some time. Ramchandra Gadekar expired on 12th March 1959 in this house repeating Baba’s name till his last breath. Thereafter, in April 1959, Baba had kept His favorite mast Nilkanth, (who was specially brought from the Himalayas), in this house for a week. During that period Baba visited the mast daily. Baba also spent one night, doing his Universal Spiritual work with the mast in this house.

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