Sugandhi Bungalow


Sugandhi Bungalow
Address: Prabhat Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411004 (Exact location not known)

Year & Date: 21 to 28 Aug 1950


In mid-August 1950, Baba’s strenuous work with the masts in Satara affected his health. He was advised a short rest. Baba agreed and asked Papa Jessawala to arrange a bungalow in Poona. A quiet bungalow, on Prabhat Road, belonging to Mr. Sugandhi was procured. Baba moved in the same along with Mehera, Mani, Meheru and Goher on August 21st. Five of the men companions came separately. Meals were supplied from Bindra House. Baba met no outsiders. He stayed here up to Aug 28th 1950.

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